Small Business Forum on Health Insurance

This Thursday the City of Columbia will be holding an open forum on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on small businesses.  I will be moderating the panel presentations and discussions.  Another forum will be held October 23rd.

Registration is free:

This is a great opportunity to learn how small businesses can effectively use the Health Insurance Marketplace (when it is fully functional) to not only make sure that employees have affordable health insurance that best fits their needs but also possibly how a small business can compete with companies that offer health insurance to employees without directly offering the employee benefit.  Small business owners might also find other options that could actually increase their bottom line.

Affordable Care Act Forum:
The Impact on Small Businesses

This forum will offer details and solutions on the Affordable Care Act for small businesses. The forum will feature a panel of experts from the insurance, legal and accounting industries who will help attendees understand the requirements, opportunities and benefits of the Affordable Care Act. Panelists will discuss:

ï‚· What does the Affordable Care Act do and not do for small businesses?

ï‚· What will be the impacts on small businesses in South Carolina?

ï‚· How can small business owners save more money?

ï‚· What are the opportunities for small businesses in South Carolina?
Session I

Thursday, October 17

9-11 a.m.

Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center 1101 Lincoln St.

Register by Tuesday, October 15


Session II

Wednesday, October 23

6-8 p.m.

Earlewood Community Center

1111 Parkside Dr.

Register by: Monday, October 21

For more information, contact Angelo McBride at 803.545.3960 or email

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