The Senate Budget Committee this afternoon voted out the Republican tax reform plan that a majority of small businesses oppose.
The GOP plan would increase the national debt by $1.5 trillion over 10 years while creating only 925,000 jobs over the same time.
Economic development is the primary reason given by the supporters of the Congressional tax reform to justify cutting the tax rate on big business by 43%.
The title given to the GOP legislation is “Tax Cuts & Jobs Act”.
We know who is getting most of the tax cuts. Big corporations and the very wealthy.
As for the jobs, do the math.
Each new job will cost the American taxpayer $1.6 million to create.
Small businesses owners overwhelmingly agree that this is simply a bad deal for our country.
A final Senate vote on this legislation could come this week.
Call our two SC Senators and tell them that you oppose the Senate tax reform bill and that they should start talking to small businesses instead of multi-national corporations.
Senator Lindsey Graham (202) 224-5972
Senator Tim Scott (202) 224-6121