Sign the letter opposing offshore drilling

It’s your turn to weigh-in on the future of the South Carolina coast.  Will it continue to be the mecca for tourists that drives our coastal small-business economies?  Or will it be oil rigs, refineries and the inevitable oil spills that will pollute our beaches?

These two scenarios are largely incompatible.  The choice is a successful small-business tourism economy versus a speculative oil economy with small economic return.

Click on this link to sign the letter to Governor Haley:

This was an easy decision for the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce.  That’s why we have invested time and effort into opposing the destructive seismic testing for oil as well as offshore drilling.

Now we need the voices of small business like yours.  Please sign onto a letter that will be presented to Governor Nikki Haley asking her to oppose offshore testing and drilling.

Click on this link to sign the letter to Governor Haley:

Governor Haley was part of the effort to convince the Obama Administration to open much of the Atlantic Coast for the first time to oil drilling.  Now she needs to hear from the state’s small businesses that have the most to lose by harming our tourism economy.

Your opposition will be added to resolutions opposing offshore drilling passed by every South Carolina coastal municipality.   You will be joining South Carolina Congressmen Tom Rice, Mark Sanford and James Clyburn who oppose offshore drilling.

Click on this link to sign the letter to Governor Haley:

Small businesses all across South Carolina are signing this letter of opposition to offshore testing and drilling.  The momentum is building to stop this disastrous business decision for our state.  Oil rigs and refineries are not South Carolina.  Since offshore drilling is prohibited for our Pacific coast and the entire coast of Florida, our state is just as deserving of the same protection.

Sign the letter before December 5th to have your business name along with hundreds of others presented to Governor Haley.

Click on this link to sign the letter to Governor Haley:


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