Sign up NOW for South Carolina business and individual protection

1. Today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. sign up for the free Dun & Bradstreet’s CreditAlert service. Go to call customer service at 800-279-9881. Dun & Bradstreet is providing this service at no charge to the state or businesses for the life of the business.

2.  Sign up for the no-charge Experian’s credit monitoring and identity theft protection for individuals online at Enter the code SCDOR123 when prompted. Then follow the instructions to enroll. Do this for every member of your family including children 18 years of age and older. Also provide this information to your employees.

NEW: Experian is also now offering affected South Carolina businesses Business Credit Advantage — a self-monitoring service that allows unlimited access to a company’s business credit report and score. Starting today South Carolina businesses can sign up for the service at
When you sign up for the personal Experian’s credit monitoring you will receive an email or letter explaining how to enroll your minor children on your plan.  It is extremely important for you to do this because the Department of Revenue records stolen by international hacker thieves contained the social security number of your children.  Your child’s social security number is prized by identity thieves because it is the easiest for the thieves to create a bogus credit profile in order to steal money.  The problem will not be uncovered for years and then your child’s damaged credit rating will stand in their way of getting jobs, enrolling in higher education and getting credit for any purchase.

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