Please complete this poll on 401k’s so the Chamber can better serve your interest on legislative matters. Last day to complete the poll is October 31st, 2017 at midnight. The link for our poll can be found here.
Some members of Congress are proposing to dramatically change the tax rules about 401k retirement plans which are popular for small business owners and the middle class. The proposal would reduce the amount that could be put into a 401K tax free to only $2,400 from $18,000 per year. Any contribution over $2,400 in a calendar year would be taxable income.
Do you support keeping the 401k contribution rules the way they are today? Yes No
Do you presently have a 401k? Yes No
If you have a 401k now, would be less likely to contribute to it if you had to pay taxes on any contribution over $2,400. Yes No