Welcome to the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce, a statewide advocacy organization with over 5,000 small business and entrepreneur supporters working to make state government more small business friendly. The Small Business Chamber is both non-partisan and non-profit. We do not endorse candidates for public office nor contribute to political campaigns.
We represent the interests of small businesses only.
Since our beginning in February of 2000, we have successfully promoted the general interests of small businesses in state government and from time to time at the local and federal levels also. Taxes, health insurance, workforce development, economic development, energy, utility rates, workers’ compensation insurance, and government procurement policies are some of the issues we address to benefit small businesses.
Advocacy for Small Businesses
Here are some of the successes of The S.C. Small Business Chamber of Commerce advocacy:
- State Income Tax—Led the fight to successfully reduce the state income tax on small businesses from 7% – 5% and now to 3%.
- Electric and Gas Rates—The only chamber to intervene in electric and gas utility rate cases before the SC Public Service Commission since 2002 and saved small business customers $100s of millions by successfully opposing rate hikes.
- Workers’ Compensation Insurance—Successfully fought off big increases in SC workers’ compensation rates saving small businesses $100s of millions in premiums. Secured changes to state law to prevent future big increases.
- Affordable Health Insurance—The only SC business organization successfully advocating at the state and federal levels for more affordable group and individual health insurance.
- Workforce Development—Passed legislation to give job tax credits to SC small businesses and enacted a $1000 tax credit for newly Registered Apprentices.
- Offshore Drilling for Oil—Led the East Coast and SC small business community in opposing exploration and drilling for oil in the Atlantic.
- Access to Capital—Organized a national effort targeting the need for small business capital in underserved and rural communities.
- Democracy—Directed a national campaign to raise the small business voice on protecting and strengthening democracy.
- Sea Level Rise—Developed state campaign to educate coastal communities about the danger of rising seas.
- COVID Funds Recovery—Helped small businesses obtain over $3.2 million in COVID federal recovery funds
Our success is due not only to our legislative and regulatory efforts in Columbia, but also because of the active participation of our members. E-news, legislative updates and action alerts routinely keep our members informed on issues, give detailed information about pending legislation and tell them how and when to contact legislators. When our elected leaders hear from our members, they know the small business community is watching. It works.
In addition to the support of our thousands of business members and trade association members (listed below), the Small Business Chamber has formed an alliance with other national business organizations (listed below). Together, our members and partners enable The South Carolina Small Business Chamber to deliver a strong voice in the governmental process for the small business community.
Trade association members:
- SC Primary Health Care Association
- SC Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- Gullah Geechee Chamber of Commerce
Grand Sponsors
- Smith, Born, Leventis, Taylor & Vega
- Law Office of Nicholas G. Callas
- Office of Business Opportunities – City of Columbia
- The Centric Group