April 7, 2024
This week the SC Senate Judiciary Committee will meet to debate H.5118, the anti-consumer legislation masquerading as an energy security act.
Here is what the bill will do:
–The bill would fire the current 7 Public Service Commissioners quickly. These commissioners have done a good job protecting small businesses and all consumers from unnecessary electric rate hikes.
–The bill would replace these 7 commissioners with only 3 commissioners resulting in increased pay to encourage retired electric utility executives to take the jobs. Utility companies will control these new commissioners.
–The bill would fire the state Consumer Advocate from representing consumers in Public Service Commission matters including rate hike proposals.
–The bill would tell the agency that makes recommendations to the Commission regarding utility matters, the Office of Regulatory Staff, to be concerned about the financial health of the utilities when making recommendations.
The SC Small Business Chamber and other consumer-interest groups were not allowed to testify on this bill at this past Thursday’s subcommittee hearing. But the utility companies were allowed to testify as long as they wanted.
The Senate Judiciary Committee might meet as early as this Tuesday to vote on H.5118. While it does address energy generation, the utility companies want the control it gives them over the regulatory process. They don’t like being told NO.
Below is a list of the Senate Judiciary Committee members with their state office emails and telephone numbers.
Email them a message describing who you are and ask them to VOTE NO on H.5118 unless these amendments to protect consumer are made to the bill:
- Do not reduce the number of Public Service Commissioners AT ALL. (Delete SECTION 2)
- Do not prohibit the State Consumer Advocate from representing the interest of consumers in utility rate cases at the Public Service Commission. (Delete SECTION 11)
- Do not mandate that the Office of Regulatory Staff be concerned about the financial health of the utilities. (Delete SECTION 5)
Please feel free to copy me, Frank Knapp, on your emails (sbchamber@scsbc.org).
Call their offices. Most Senators share an office. Say which Senator you want and leave them this message: Vote NO on H.5118 unless amended to protect consumers!
Or email and call!
Protect yourself from unnecessary higher energy bills that will come if H.5118 is approved without these amendments.
Thanks for your support.
Senate Judiciary members emails and telephone numbers
Rankin, Luke A., Chairman        lukerankin@scsenate.gov        803-212-6610
Hutto, Brad                                    bradhutto@scsenate.gov          803-212-6140
Malloy, Gerald                                 geraldmalloy@scsenate.gov      803-212-6172
Campsen, George E. “Chip”, III  chipcampsen@scsenate.gov      803-212-6340
Massey, A. Shane                           shanemassey@scsenate.gov      803-212-6330
Sabb, Ronnie A.                              ronniesabb@scsenate.gov         803-212-6024
Climer, Wes                                      wesclimer@scsenate.gov          803-212-6230
McLeod, Mia S.                               mia@scsenate.gov                    803-212-6016
Rice, Rex F.                                      rexrice@scsenate.gov              803-212-6116
Senn, Sandy                                      sandysenn@scsenate.gov          803-212-6116
Talley, Scott                                      scotttalley@scsenate.gov          803-212-6048
Cash, Richard J.                                richardcash@scsenate.gov       803-212-6124
Harpootlian, Richard A. “Dick”    dickharpootlian@scsenate.gov  803-212-6148
Loftis, Dwight A.                             dwightloftis@scsenate.gov        803-212-6100
Adams, Brian                                    brianadams@scsenate.gov        803-212-6056
Garrett, Billy                                      billygarrett@scsenate.gov         803-212-6032
Gustafson, Penry                              penrygustafson@scsenate.gov  803-212-6040
Johnson, Michael                             michaeljohnson@scsenate.gov  803-212-6008
Kimbrell, Josh                                    joshkimbrell@scsenate.gov      803-212-6108
Stephens, Vernon                             vernonstephens@scsenate.gov  803-212-6024
Reichenbach, Mike                           mikereichenbach@scsenate.gov  803-212-6016
Tedder, Deon T.                                deontedder@scsenate.gov        803-212-6132
Devine, Tameika Isaac                     tidevine@scsenate.gov              803-212-6124