Action Alert!!! Public Service Commission Reform

In January, the Public Service Commission voted to increase the electric rate by 8% on small businesses served by SCE&G. The Small Business Chamber intervened in the process to fight the 14% rate hike sought by the Company on small businesses. The process opened our eyes to the cozy relationship between the PSC Commissioners/staff and the industries they are charged with regulating. We believe that strong reform is needed.

This Tuesday (5/6) at 10:30 a.m., a conference committee of Senators and House members will meet to reach a compromise on two bills aimed at PSC reform. The Small Business Chamber is supporting the final Senate versionof S. 208 because it offers the stronger reform measures which:

· establishes a Review Committee to nominate PSC candidates, conduct performance reviews of Commissioners and evaluate PSC actions for the Legislature

· creates an Office of Public Staff to represent all the public’s interest independent from the PSC

· provides for stronger prohibitions against ex parte communication between PSC commissioners/staff and the representatives of the industries they regulate

Please immediately contact the members of this Conference Committee, which will take up PSC Reform this Tuesday the 6th at 10:30 a.m. Tell them that you would appreciate their support for the Senate version of S.208 because it offers the best opportunity for small business to receive more equitable PSC rulings in the future.

The Conference Committee members are:

Harry Cato 803-734-3015

Bill Sandifer 803-734-2990

Doug Jennings 803-734-3065


Thomas Moore 803-212-6156

Thomas Alexander 803-212-6040

Robert Waldrep 803-212-6230