
Miracle. The NFIB and I agree on something

It’s a rare day when I can say that I agree with the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) But apparently we agree with income tax rate parity between small businesses that pay their taxes through their own personal returns and C-corporations. In the early 2000s we advocated to the South Carolina General Assembly that […]

Miracle. The NFIB and I agree on something Read More »

Many of America’s Most Profitable Corporations Pay Little or No Federal Income Taxes; Multinationals Pay Higher Rates Abroad Than in the U.S.

Washington, D.C. – A comprehensive, five-year study of 288 profitable Fortune 500 companies finds that 26 paid no federal corporate income tax over the five-year period; 111 paid no federal corporate income tax in at least one of the last five years, and one-third paid a U.S. tax rate less than 10 percent over the same period,

Many of America’s Most Profitable Corporations Pay Little or No Federal Income Taxes; Multinationals Pay Higher Rates Abroad Than in the U.S. Read More »

Obama’s tax plan a bad bargain for small business

The Hill’s Congress Blog 8/2/13   By Frank Knapp Jr. – 08/02/13 President Obama is right to address the urgent need to modernize our once grand infrastructure. Unfortunately, the president’s corporate tax reforms would leave us in a deeper hole down the road. The president’s plan to cut corporate tax rates responds to the tireless

Obama’s tax plan a bad bargain for small business Read More »

Nations pulling together to fight multinational corporation freeloaders

Last month in Great Britton the collection of the world’s top eight economic nations (the G8) decided to get tough on multinational corporations evading paying taxes.  Last week the top 20 economic nations (the G-20) endorsed the outline of a plan to do the same thing. The full plan by the Organization for Economic Cooperation

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Oppose amnesty for tax-avoiding and tax evading corporations

You pay your taxes.  Your business pays its taxes.  Why do we want to let big corporations that don’t pay their taxes off the hook?  Small businesses should not be subsidizing government services (ex. courts, infrastructure, defense, education) that multinational corporations use but don’t want to pay for.  But that is exactly the impact of

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The G8 nations and small businesses have something in common

The split in business opinion (see story below) on whether the economic world powers represented at the G8 summit should crack down on offshore tax havens that deprive nations of corporate tax revenue is easily understood.  Organizations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which represents multinational corporations, want to protect their big dues paying members

The G8 nations and small businesses have something in common Read More »

President Obama–Close down tax havens

American Sustainable Business Council1401 New York Ave., N.W. Suite 1225, Washington, DC  20005 June 7, 2013 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20005 Dear Mr. President: As business leaders, we are writing to urge you to support the efforts of Prime Minister David Cameron and other world leaders to

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Google Joins Apple Avoiding Taxes With Stateless Income

Bloomberg  By Jesse Drucker – May 22, 2013 U.S. Senate scrutiny of Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s tax strategies turned the spotlight on a unit with $30 billion in profit since 2009 that’s incorporated in Ireland, controlled by a board in California, and doesn’t pay taxes in either place. Apple officials acknowledged yesterday at a congressional hearing

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