Friday, November 20, 2020
Did you know that in all of South Carolina last flu season there were only 6,700 confirmed cases and only 141 flu deaths? (thanks to Jeffrey Collins of the AP for reporting on this)
Compare that to COVID-19 in South Carolina.
Zak Koeske of The State reports today that since Monday of this week, 103 South Carolinians have died from COVID-19. Â 4 DAYS!
That brings the total COVID deaths in South Carolina to 3,949.
This virus is NOT the flu. Don’t let anyone say that it is.
It is deadly.
Protect yourself, your family, your friends…and the employees of the stores you will visit this holiday season.
Avoid crowds and even large family gatherings.
Currently 13 of every 100 South Carolinians tested are positive.
You don’t know who they are and it might even be you.
Find a testing site in our state here:Â
Be safe.
The vaccine-cavalry is coming but it will take months.