Healthcare updates & etc.

Don’t miss your health insuance tax credits

It’s tax time and if you have been providing health insurance for your employees, you need to learn more about the tax credits that you might be eligible for 2010. The Small Business Majority is holding a free webinar on this and other benefits of the new health care law this Thursday, February 17, at 3pm.

This one-hour webinar will discuss what is in the Affordable Care Act to help small businesses. Topics include: small business tax credits (who’s eligible for them and how to claim them), state insurance exchanges, high-risk pools, shared responsibility, cost containment, and tools and resources available for small businesses interested in learning more about the law. A question and answer period will follow.


Lower rates available now for High Risk Pool

If you have a pre-existing medical condition that has stopped you from obtaining health insurance, there is a program under the Affordable Care Act to help. The Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan has now dropped its rates16-20% from the average rate in your area. Plus, the federally run plan has now made it even easier to qualify. You can now simply get a letter from an insurance agent or broker stating that you are denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition. This is a great opportunity for self-employed or business owners who do not have group health insurance. Click here to find out more.

Gov. Nikki Haley and U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham pushing for legislation to allow states to “opt out” of healthcare

On Monday Governor Nikki Haley and U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham held a press conference at the State House to criticize the Affordable Care Act.

Immediately after that press conference, SCSBCC president Frank Knapp, S.C. Fair Share’s John Ruoff and AARP-SC state director Jane Wiley responded to the comments made by the Governor and Senator. Below are some links to the press coverage.

SC Governor: Let States Opt Out Of Health Care Law

Critics Question Haley’s Numbers

Click HERE to listen to John Ruoff’s Comments

Graham, Haley push for health reform opt-out for states

Small Business Networking- February 22

We hope to see you at our next BuySC Networking event, Tuesday February 22, 6-8pm at Worth Repeating, 615 Meeting Street, West Columbia, SC.

This event will be all about networking and we’ll try out some fun new ways to meet each other and share business tips.

6:30pm Speed Networking!

7:00pm Mini Lecture: Outclass Your Competition! Learn What Your Body Language is Telling Your Clients, by Gerald Glascock, body language expert and Director at The Southern Institute of Etiquette and Protocol.

Light refreshments and beverages will be served, too. This event is free for all SCSBCC members and their guests. Space is limited, so drop an email to to reserve your place.

Plan ahead and make the most of your networking time.

Know your business well and be able to describe what you do in a few clear sentences.

Know what you want from networking and what you have to offer

Bring your business cards!

Killer Secrets at BuySC Micro Conference

We were pleased to see so many new and familiar faces come out to enjoy January’s BuySC Micro Conference, Killer Secrets of Successful Entreprenuers.

Thanks also to BuySC member Jim Potts of Paparazzi Photography for his photo services at this event!

Eat, Drink & Be Local!
It’s Official-The Spring 2011 BuySC Action Campaign will feature Locally Owned Restaurants!

This campaign represents ALL South Carolina locally owned dining establishments! Nominate YOUR favorite small business restaurant for inclusion in this campaign.

Email your nomination to Stayed tuned for more details on local dining.

Listen In for Small Biz News On Our New Radio Segment!

Each Thursday at 4:07pm on WOIC 1230 AM, U Need 2 Know, Host Frank Knapp interviews small business professionals on all things small biz!

Live streaming at

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