The announcement yesterday that businesses with 50 or more employees would have an extra year to comply with the Obamacare requirement that they either provide health insurance or pay a penalty was greeted with glee by the National Federation of Independent Business.
But of course the NFIB is wrong as usual. The delay of this provision will have very little impact on the implementation of Obamacare as I told the media last night. Most businesses, about 97%, have fewer than 50 workers and thus were under no mandate to offer health insurance. Of the remaining 3%, only 3% of them do not currently offer health insurance.
The employees of these affected businesses will now go into the insurance exchanges to obtain their insurance and receive premium assistance. The October roll-out of these marketplaces has not been changed and neither has the individual mandate to have health insurance. Will there be future hiccups in implementation? Of course.
Now that the NFIB has gotten what it wants, if only for one year, the country is going to find out that Obamacare isn’t so bad after all. For the real job-creators, small businesses with fewer than 50 employees, the NFIB can no longer hide behind their lies about mandates. The exchanges should provide an easier path to being insured for the workers in these small businesses whether their employers do or do not offer health insurance.