For everybody in the Charleston area, you need to check out Lowcountry Local First . They are an alliance that educates the public on the importance of supporting the local economy, and encourages businesses and consumers to be environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. Lowcountry Local First is one of over 60 chapters of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE).
Last weekend BALLE held its annual conference in Charleston. I was asked to be on a panel called “Unchambering National Business Policies” with moderator David Levine (American Sustainable Business Council) and fellow panelists Holly Sklar (Business for Shared Prosperity) and Bob Keener (Wealth for the CommonGood). While I had already established a working relationship with David, Holly and Bob, this was the first time I had met them in person.
It was a great experience to talk to people from all parts of the country about what The S.C. Small Business Chamber of Commerce is doing to promote small business development and how our position on issues is often different from that of the U.S. Chamber and other large local chambers. Being unconflicted makes all the difference.