Small business owners only have until January 15th to take advantage of big savings from premium subsidies on quality, individual health insurance for themselves and employees.
Click here to watch the 30-minute webinar by the SC Small Business Chamber of Commerce.
Use this passcode: XUr9LSB*
Here are some small business success stories:
1. Sole Proprietor with no employees. Small business owner had a short-term, low-benefit health plan costing $500 a month. Enrolled in a Marketplace Bronze plan for him and his daughter paying $99 a month.
2. Small business counseling firm with 2 employees. Owner had a $700 a month indemnity plan (lower benefits than short-term plan). Owner enrolled in a Marketplace Gold plan for $400 a month. Two uninsured employees enrolled in Marketplace Silver plans at $26 and $35 a month.
3. Small law firm with 4 employees. Owner looked at offering a group health plan and decided that the $2,000 cost to the business was not affordable. The employees would have had to pay about $400 a month each. Three of four employees, with incomes ranging from $40,000 to $60,000, enrolled in Marketplace plans at monthly premiums of $100-$200.
4. A locally-owned coffee shop has 15 employees at several locations. The owner had a short-term, low-benefit health plan paying $550 a month. He looked at a group plan but that would have cost the business $3,000 a month and $150 a month for the employees who wanted to participate. The owner and 5 employees enrolled Marketplace Silver plans. The monthly cost is $400 for the employer, and $0 – $76 for the employees. The other employees were on the plans of their parents or spouse.
Click here to watch the 30-minute webinar by the South Carolina Small Business Chamber.
Use this passcode: XUr9LSB*
This is an educational campaign of the SC Small Business Chamber of Commerce and the SC Primary Health Care Association.
The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce does not sell insurance