Workgroup for Safe Markets launches new website

My friends at the Workgroup for Safe Markets have launched a new website that you might find interesting.  Go to  

The Workgroup for Safe Markets is a US-based collaborative of groups united by a common concern about hazardous chemicals in our homes, our bodies and our environment; and a common vision of a cleaner, healthier economy. These groups are leading the effort to protect our families and communities from the devastating impacts of toxic chemicals, and to shift the economy to safer products and practices. The Workgroup for Safe Markets is part of the Coming Clean collaborative, which hosts leading environmental health and justice experts who are working to reform the chemical and energy industries so they are no longer a source of harm. For more information, visit

Clearly identifying toxic chemicals in products small businesses use and sell to customers is important.  Protecting the health of our employees, customers and ourselves is a goal we should strive to achieve.  And if we can do that while at the same time creating jobs through the development of safer chemicals to replace the toxic ones, we improve our economy also.