Buy Local PSAs run across South Carolina During Holidays

Small Business Chamber Sponsors Media Effort
Columbia, SC—The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce (SCSBCC) in partnership with TV and radio stations across the state has launched a promotional campaign aimed at holiday shoppers. “BuySC” television and radio 30-second PSAs are running on about 12 TV and 29 radio stations. The PSA encourages shopping in locally-owned small businesses and asks consumers to use an online directory of local businesses. Watch and listen to the PSA at

“There is a big media push for this weekend’s Small Business Saturday,” said Frank Knapp Jr., president and CEO of the SCSBCC. “But we want to remind consumers all during this holiday season to shop in their locally-owned small businesses. We can help grow our own economy by simply shopping with local small business owners. Every dollar spent in a locally-owned small business has three times the positive economic impact on the local economy than if that same dollar is spent in a big box store.”

The PSA was produced by Coal Powered Film Works in Columbia and is running in the Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, Rock Hill, Hilton Head markets.

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