Climate / Energy

Environmentalists balk at Obama’s exclusion of S.C. coastlines from drilling ban

Charleston Post and Courier December 20, 2016 By Emma Dumain WASHINGTON — National environmental groups are heaping praise on President Barack Obama for banning oil and gas drilling in huge swaths of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. Some South Carolina environmentalists, however, are fuming. That’s because Obama’s executive order does not include protections for coastlines south […]

Environmentalists balk at Obama’s exclusion of S.C. coastlines from drilling ban Read More »

President Obama Disappoints Atlantic Coast Businesses. Offshore drilling ban misses most of areas of interest to Big Oil

For Immediate Release Date: December 20, 2016 From: Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC) Contact: Frank Knapp, BAPAC Co-Founder, 803-252-5733 (O), 803-600-6874 (c), Washington, DC—The over 35,000 businesses and 500,000 commercial fishing families of the Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC) are disappointed that President Obama has not banned offshore

President Obama Disappoints Atlantic Coast Businesses. Offshore drilling ban misses most of areas of interest to Big Oil Read More »

Offshore drilling opponents staggered just when they thought they had won

Charleston Post and Courier December 18, 2016 By Bo Petersen and Emma Dumain After a massive, decade-long, grassroots fight appeared to have stopped oil and natural gas drilling offshore, its proponents are waging a last-minute desperation campaign to keep the victory from being snatched out from under them. The Obama administration is expected to approve

Offshore drilling opponents staggered just when they thought they had won Read More »

Environment: Drilling foes have hopes for permanent ban

Coastal Observer Pawleys Island, SC December 15, 2016 By Jason Lesley Coastal Observer Opponents of oil drilling in the Atlantic Ocean are hoping President Obama will sign a permanent ban before he leaves office in January. The environmental group Oceana says it could happen this week. “That’s the best of all possible news,” said Peg

Environment: Drilling foes have hopes for permanent ban Read More »

URGENT UPDATE! Offshore Drilling Decision Soon

The deadline for signatures on the new letter to President Obama asking him to give permanent protection to the Atlantic from offshore oil drilling is now Monday, December 12. If you or your business organization wants to be recognized in history as being part of the successful effort to ban Atlantic Coast offshore drilling FOREVER,

URGENT UPDATE! Offshore Drilling Decision Soon Read More »

Permanent Protection of Atlantic—Make it happen

This is our last chance to make permanent protection of the Atlantic from offshore oil drilling a reality. We made the in-person pitches last month in Washington with our first sign-on letter. Now we understand that our request is seriously being considered by the Obama administration to take this unusual (but legal) action. We just need one more big push. Please sign your business or business organization

Permanent Protection of Atlantic—Make it happen Read More »

Legislators hear criticism of Base Load Review Act

Select Committee on Energy Generation Financing Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:30 AM 403 Blatt Building Testimony of Frank Knapp Jr., President and CEO, South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce Chairman Sandifer and honorable members of this Select Committee, I am Frank Knapp, President and CEO of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce.

Legislators hear criticism of Base Load Review Act Read More »

Legislators hold public hearing on electricity rate increases

STOP THE BLANK CHECK Making utilities accountable to the people they serve Press Release From: STOP THE BLANK CHECK Coalition Date:   November 27, 2016 Contact: Frank Knapp Jr., South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce, 803-252-5733 (o), (803) 600-6874 (c), Lynn Teague, League of Women Voters, (803) 556-9802, Ben Wislinski, Sierra Club, (202) 870-3188,

Legislators hold public hearing on electricity rate increases Read More »

Electric bills got you down? Then get down to the State House.

This Tuesday, November 29, a committee of 8 S.C. House members will hold a public hearing on how utility companies finance construction projects. At issue is SCE&G customers seeing almost a 20% increase in electric rates since 2009 just to pay for the construction financing costs of the 2 nuclear plants being built in Fairfield

Electric bills got you down? Then get down to the State House. Read More »

Drill, baby, drill? Election reignites offshore-oil debate

Many coastal business owners and residents have taken stands against Atlantic drilling, saying it would endanger key industries, such as commercial fishing and tourism. Frank Knapp, a South Carolina businessman who is the co-founder of the 12,000-member Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast, said they’ll fight any attempts to drill once Trump takes over.

Drill, baby, drill? Election reignites offshore-oil debate Read More »

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