Climate / Energy

Pope Francis, Rabbis and AME Reverend Clementa Pinckney on climate change

As the whole country focused this past Thursday on the tragic hate crime in Charleston, Pope Francis released his long-awaited encyclical on climate change.  The Catholic Church now officially lays the blame for climate change and its disastrous consequences, especially to the poorest in the world, squarely on human activity.  The Pope’s intention is to […]

Pope Francis, Rabbis and AME Reverend Clementa Pinckney on climate change Read More »

Cracks appear in the climate change deniers’ defenses

The Washington Post June 16, 2015 By Katrina vanden Heuvel In April 2009, as the political right was finding its voice in the tea party, South Carolina Republican Rep. Bob Inglis was making the case for a carbon tax. “I’m a conservative. I believe in accountability,” he said. “Global warming is not a matter of

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Fossil fuel partners launch nasty divorce

The coal and oil industries were great partners for such a long time.  They fought together passionately against government regulations aimed at cutting carbon pollution from the burning of their products.  Now they are fighting each other and it’s gotten vicious. What broke up this happy, profitable couple is the hand writing on the wall. 

Fossil fuel partners launch nasty divorce Read More »

Global warming has not stalled says new study

When the last assessment of climate change by the world’s scientists (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report 2013/14) came out, the report handed climate change deniers a gift.  The report concluded that global warming had slowed down from 1998-2012. This “hiatus” was enough for opponents of actions to curb carbon pollution to

Global warming has not stalled says new study Read More »

South Carolina Governor recognizes sea level rise as concern

This past Friday Governor Nikki Haley stopped in North Charleston on her yearly tour to encourage local emergency management officials, businesses and residents to start preparing for a possible hurricane.  Her message was not just that everybody should know how to evacuate or what supplies to have just in case, but that the community should

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Rising sea level concerns northern Beaufort County task force

Hilton Head Island Packet/Beaufort Gazette May 9, 2015 By ERIN MOODY It’s no longer a question of if the sea level is rising, according to a group of researchers working with the city of Beaufort and town of Port Royal. Rather, the questions are, when will water rise over roads and onto property? And which

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Columbia opposes dangerous offshore oil/gas testing and drilling

Congratulations to the City of Columbia for being the first inland South Carolina local government voting to oppose offshore exploration and drilling for oil/gas (see story below).  The South Carolina Small Business Chamber announced its opposition back in January.  The question is will the ever growing list of cities and counties opposing oil/gas exploration and

Columbia opposes dangerous offshore oil/gas testing and drilling Read More »

Climate and Rising Seas planning for infrastructure

This evening the Beaufort/Port Royal Sea Level Rise Task Force will make a presentation to Beaufort City Council’s work session.  The task force, which the South Carolina Small Business Chamber helped to convene and was not formerly established by either government, has been meeting since late last year preparing to assess the threat of rising

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Drilling risks aren’t offshore oil’s only negative

Charleston Post and Courier March 31, 2015 BY CHIP CAMPSEN, a Republican and an Isle of Palms resident, representing District 43, in the S.C. Senate. The Senate District I represent is a long coastal district covering more than 80 miles of South Carolina’s coast. It runs from Bulls Bay in Charleston County, to Port Royal

Drilling risks aren’t offshore oil’s only negative Read More »

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