Climate / Energy

Offshore Wind Would Produce 3x More Jobs and Nearly 9x More Energy than Offshore Drilling Off South Carolina’s Coast

Atlantic Oil and Gas Development Risks Healthy Ocean Ecosystems, Fishery and Tourism Jobs, While Offshore Wind Does Not  January 14, 2015                                                                           Beaufort, SC —Oceana released a new report today that finds offshore wind would produce over three times more jobs and nearly nine times as much energy as offshore drilling off South Carolina’s Atlantic coast.

Offshore Wind Would Produce 3x More Jobs and Nearly 9x More Energy than Offshore Drilling Off South Carolina’s Coast Read More »

Small Business Chamber Opposes Offshore Oil/Gas Exploration and Drilling

The Obama administration has permitted seismic surveys from Delaware to the middle of Florida to determine the existence and size of offshore oil and gas reserves. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is reviewing 9 permits from oil companies for conducting these surveys and is taking public comments. There are two threats to South Carolina

Small Business Chamber Opposes Offshore Oil/Gas Exploration and Drilling Read More »

Offshore Oil/Gas Exploration and Drilling

January 12, 2015 The Obama administration has permitted seismic surveys from Delaware to the middle of Florida to determine the existence and size of offshore oil and gas reserves. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is reviewing 9 permits from oil companies for conducting these surveys and is taking public comments. There are two threats

Offshore Oil/Gas Exploration and Drilling Read More »

Keystone XL Pipeline: Canadian big oil companies get the profits and America gets the pollution.

“Drillers around the world have already begun to trim exploration budgets and delay new projects as a result of low prices, but production from existing fields will continue and keep supplies high.” You can find gas in South Carolina below $2 a gallon and experts predict it will get lower.  As the above line from

Keystone XL Pipeline: Canadian big oil companies get the profits and America gets the pollution. Read More »

NOAA: 30 days of ‘sunny day’ flooding in Charleston yearly by 2020

Charleston Post and Courier December 25, 2014 By David Slade Nuisance flooding in Charleston has increased fourfold since the 1960s, and it’s going to get worse as sea levels continue to rise, according to NOAA. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration says Charleston is among coastal cities that will have at least 30 days of

NOAA: 30 days of ‘sunny day’ flooding in Charleston yearly by 2020 Read More »

South Carolina Small Business Chamber sends supporting comment on EPA proposed carbon regulation

The following comment was submitted today to the EPA in support of the proposed Clean Power Plan rule.  You can learn more about this rule here. Here is the information for sending your own comment. Email Include docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602 in the subject line of the message ————————————————————– The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of

South Carolina Small Business Chamber sends supporting comment on EPA proposed carbon regulation Read More »

New SC Poll: Sea levels will rise, start planning

The latest Winthrop Poll of South Carolinians has a wake-up call for local and state officials—sea levels are and will rise so start planning.  The results parallel the informal findings of the sea-level rise education project, South Carolina Businesses Acting on Rising Seas (,) of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce (SCSBCC) which

New SC Poll: Sea levels will rise, start planning Read More »

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