Join Businesses for Conservation and Climate Action


Register: BCCA Meeting Sept. 15 at 3 PM ET

President Biden’s Executive Order 14008 initiated a multi-year process, called America the Beautiful, to conserve biodiversity and habitats, address climate change, and enhance the resilience of our natural resources and communities.

Businesses for Conservation and Climate Action (BCCA) is making sure that small businesses have a voice in this federal planning process.  Too often meaningful stakeholder engagement, especially Indigenous leadership, and concern about racial justice and equity have not been included in federal or state environmental planning.  BCCA is stepping up to fill that void.


Please join our upcoming meeting to learn about the work of BCCA. Coordinated by the American Sustainable Business Council and diverse leadership, our mission is to establish national policies that recognize sustainable small businesses as compatible with healthy lands and oceans, and to enhance, rather than exclude, these sustainable businesses from conversations about resource access at every step of the decision-making process. Our work will be guided by a firm commitment to social equity, local and traditional wisdom, and triple bottom line solutions that restore social, ecological and economic health.

Join us in this important work as we work to advance conservation goals that prioritize and ensure the success of sustainable businesses and communities!

For more information on BCCA – then lets add the link

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