November 4, 2021
Lexington County Chronicle
Letter to the Editor,
There is good news for small business owners and their employees. November 1st started open enrollment for health insurance through the federal Health Insurance Marketplace with new rules on premium assistance.
The old income limit to receive premium assistance has been changed so that most small business owner will save hundreds of dollars a month on full-coverage health insurance policies, not short term-low benefit policies.
The subsidies have also increased so that most, lower-income workers can now get a good health insurance policy with no premium—great news for employers because a worker with insurance is healthier and more productive.
The SC Small Business Chamber has launched an educational campaign to help small business owners learn about the new rules and connect them with professionals for free assistance. The Chamber does not sell insurance and small business owners do not have to be members to get our help. Small business owners should call us at 803-252-5733 to see how they and their employees can save money on health insurance.
Frank Knapp Jr.
President and CEO
SC Small Business Chamber of Commerce