PSC Ruling. Maybe the saga is not over.

In my Friday blog on the Public Service Commission (PSC) ruling that determined how much ratepayers will be required to pay for SCE&G’s failed nuclear project and approved Dominion Energy to purchase SCANA, I was a little hasty in my conclusion that it was The End of the story.

After the initial disappointment of not getting a better deal for ratepayers (customers will have to pay nearly half of the costs for the abandoned nuclear construction project) and great concern over inappropriate legislative influence in the regulatory process, the prospects of an appeal came into focus.

Let me remind you that I am not an attorney.  So, I should not be cited as an expert on exactly what grounds an appeal, either to the PSC or Supreme Court, would be based upon.

However, all the official parties to this hearing, including me, have 10 days following the issue of the final written PSC ruling to decide whether to appeal.  That written order is due on December 21st.

So, don’t be surprised if some of the fireworks on New Year’s Eve come earlier that day via new PSC filings.

Frank Knapp

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