SC Residential Solar Energy Industry Saved by Public Service Commission

Press Statement
April 28, 2021

Frank Knapp

SC Residential Solar Energy Industry Saved by Public Service Commission

Below is a statement by Frank Knapp, Jr., President & CEO of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce regarding the SC Public Service Commission ruling today on Dominion Energy’s proposed tariff on roof-top solar customers.


The SC Public Service Commission today voted 5-0 to turn down a proposal by Dominion Energy to dramatically increase costs for roof-top solar customers.

Dominion had argued that their customers using roof-top solar to generate their own electricity and thus reduce their costs were being subsidized by all other customers.

I personally intervened in the PSC hearing to oppose the draconian proposal that would have dramatically increased costs to solar customers and, as one witness said, would kill the solar industry in South Carolina.

My closing arguments in the hearing stressed that all Dominion ratepayers were not subsidizing the solar customers.  In an opinion editorial I further detailed my objection to Dominion’s plan.

Congratulations to the Public Service Commissioners for their unanimous ruling that will propel the growth of residential solar power in our state, just as the legislature intended.

Their ruling is also clear evidence that the Commission is no longer in the back pocket of the utility industry.


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