Setting the Record Straight on the Affordable Care Act

If you get confused with conflicting messages about the new health care law, you’re not alone.

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce (SCSBCC) and other organizations want the public, media and politicians to be well-informed with accurate information.

The Affordable Care Act Implementation Initiative (the Initiative) of South Carolina has released a Talking Points guide that includes essential information and content experts for a variety of topics related to the new law.

I chaired the Information, Dissemination & Communication Working Group of the Initiative, which produced the Talking Points guide. 

The Initiative is a public-private collaboration of over 60 stakeholders from the non-profit sector, state and local government agencies, health care organizations and others. The Initiative was convened by the South Carolina Public Health Institute in cooperation with South Carolina Healthcare Voices consisting of S.C. Appleseed Legal Justice Center, S.C. Fair Share, AARP-SC and SCSBCC.

The Talking Points guide provides essential information and South Carolina contacts for numerous aspects of the ACA. The information guide and the convening partners of the Initiative can be found on the SCSBCC  web site and is also available at:

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