
What it means to S.C. businesses: Small buiness groups split on ruling

The State June 29, 2012 By JOEY HOLLEMAN Small business groups have extremely varied viewpoints on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision backing the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. The National Federation of Independent Business actually joined South Carolina and 25 other states in the court challenge of the law. Thursday’s decision frustrated Ben Homeyer,

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Close the Trillion Dollar Tax Loophole to Reduce the Deficit

Published July 19, 2011 By Joel Wendland, Political Affairs With all of the talk about the debt ceiling and deficit reduction, small business owners may just have a good idea to close the budget gap by $1 trillion over the next decade without cutting essential services or carving out benefits for retirees and the disabled.

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Wake up call for business owners — big and small

Very interesting piece by financial columnist James Surowiecki, excerpted from The New Yorker: ILLUSTRATION: CHRISTOPH NIEMANN  (reposted with respect from The New Yorker) “In the nineteen-eighties, a new kind of chain store came to dominate American shopping: the “category killer.” These stores killed off all competition in a category by stocking a near-endless variety of

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