White House Meets with Visionaries for New Economic Design for U.S. Recovery

Published June 2, 2011 in The Business Journals

With lingering difficulties for the economy, members of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) met with President Barack Obama’s Economic Development teams to lay out innovative strategies and policies to build the U.S. economy.

ASBC meet with the representatives from The President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness (Jobs Council),President’s Council of Economic Advisors, National Economic Council, Department of Labor, Department of Treasury, Office of Public Engagement, and Office of Science and Technology Policy.

The ASBC members presented their ideas and opportunities to help drive a new economy and put Americans back to work.

Positions on issues include:


  • Small business access to capital
  • Realistic Tax Policy
  • Manufacturing in America
  • Energy
  • Healthcare
  • Opportunity to grow businesses while growing goods and services that meet the needs of communities and the environment.


This important engagement was in response to their interests not being represented by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or the National Federation of Independent Business.

“ASBC represents over 100,000 businesses and more than 200,000 entrepreneurs, owners, executives, investors and business professionals committed to advancing a new vision and policies that build a vibrant, equitable, and sustainable economy, supporting the Administration and Congress to rebuild the economy,” says David Levine,  ASBC Co-founder and Executive Director.

“A key issue discussed during the meeting was guaranteeing small businesses access to affordable capital,” saysFrank Knapp with the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce. “Boosting local economies by helping small businesses create jobs is a high priority.”

“One of the fastest growing business sectors is the organic industry, which has remained in positive growth territory, coming out of the recession, hiring employees, adding farmers, and increasing revenue, to a record $29 billion industry in 2010,” says Christine Bushway, Executive Director/CEO of the Organic Trade Association.

Connie Evans, CEO of Association For Enterprise Opportunity explained, “If the economy is going to bounce back it must happen on Main Street. ‘Micro’ or very small business, represent more than 80% of all businesses in the U.S. If just 1/3 of all  microbusinesses hired one employee, the U.S. would be at full employment.”

Original article: http://www.bizjournals.com/prnewswire/press_releases/2011/06/02/DC13405

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