Climate / Energy

What Are States Going To Do Now That The Supreme Court Has Weighed In On Obama’s Climate Plan?

ThinkProgress February 11, 2016 by Samantha Page A plan to decrease emissions from coal-fired power plants was delayed by the Supreme Court this week. Across the country, hundreds of state employees woke up Wednesday to find the rug pulled out from under their jobs. They are the people of the environmental departments, many of whom […]

What Are States Going To Do Now That The Supreme Court Has Weighed In On Obama’s Climate Plan? Read More »

Smell this: 19,000 semi trucks idling off the coast

Letter to the Editor The State February 7, 2016 Drilling will harm SC coast even if there’s never a spill For the sake of argument, let’s say that offshore drilling can be performed without leaks, spills or accidents. In that case, if drilling is allowed the following will — not might — occur: Based on

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Southern mayors: Don’t drill off our coast

The Hill February 05, 2016 By Beaufort, N.C. Mayor Richard Stanley and Beaufort, S.C. Mayor Billy Keyserling As mayors of beautiful coastal cities in our respective states, we represent thousands of residents who oppose opening our treasured Southeast coastlines to offshore oil and gas exploration and development. Since the federal government introduced a proposal earlier

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SCE&G hikes under fire

Lexington County Chronicle February 3, 2016 By Jerry Bellune An activist coalition wants to change state law to protect utility customers. State law, they say, cost S.C. Electric & Gas customers millions of dollars to pay for “imprudent” decisions in the long-delayed construction to two nuclear plants. In its amendments to the Base Rate Review

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Coastal leaders, actors urge Obama to pull Atlantic drilling plans

The State January 28, 2016 By Vera Bergengruen McClatchy Washington Bureau WASHINGTON Actress Kate Walsh teamed up with 50 coastal leaders for a day of lobbying Wednesday on Capitol Hill, asking federal officials to protect the Atlantic coast from the offshore drilling exploration planned by the Obama Administration. The group also met with officials of

Coastal leaders, actors urge Obama to pull Atlantic drilling plans Read More »

2015 Was Hottest Year in Recorded History, NASA and NOAA Say

The New York Times January 20, 2016 By JUSTIN GILLIS Scientists reported Wednesday that 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history by far, breaking a record set only the year before — a burst of heat that has continued into the new year and is roiling weather patterns all over the world. In the

2015 Was Hottest Year in Recorded History, NASA and NOAA Say Read More »

Paying upfront finance costs will save SCE&G ratepayers money, accounting firm says

(Clarifications to the below story: AARP-SC has not made a decision to support amendments to the Base Load Review Act.  SCE&G rate increases allowed under the Base Load Review Act have totaled 17% since 2009 while total SCE&G rate increases since 2008 have been 31%.) The State January 16, 2016 By Roddie Burris SCE&G’s decision

Paying upfront finance costs will save SCE&G ratepayers money, accounting firm says Read More »

Editorial: Rising voices against drilling

Charleston Post and Courier January 13, 2016 Every coastal municipality in South Carolina has said “No.” So have Congressmen Mark Sanford, Jim Clyburn and Tom Rice, who represent all of the coastal districts in South Carolina. And so has Lt. Gov. Henry McMaster. Now more than 400 business leaders throughout South Carolina have joined the

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O’Brien: Offshore drilling’s risk is too great for Virginia’s fishermen

Below is an opinion editorial by my friend Tim O’Brien of Virginia.  His concerns about the impact of offshore oil exploration and drilling apply equally to South Carolina and all the Mid-Atlantic states.  Tim’s  company also does business in South Carolina. ———————————————————————————————————— Richmond Times-Dispatch January 7, 2016 By Timothy P. O’Brien As the president of

O’Brien: Offshore drilling’s risk is too great for Virginia’s fishermen Read More »

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