Climate / Energy

Scientists we listen to and scientists we ignore

The remarkably good news today was that researches participating in a large federal project to map the genetic changes involved in cancers, have identified four distinct types of breast cancer.  Hopefully it will just be a matter of time and more scientific research to develop more effective treatments for breast cancer that kills over 35,000 […]

Scientists we listen to and scientists we ignore Read More »

Looking for an “oops”

July was officially the hottest month for the United State’s 48 contiguous states—3.3 degrees above the average.  Those high temperatures also contributed to the country’s warmest 12-month period every recorded. Jake Crouch of the National Climatic Data Center says that it’s more than just daytime highs that scientists are looking at.  He says that “we

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Connecting the dots on climate change

The Hill’s Congress BlogJuly 31, 2012 By Frances Beinecke, president, Natural Resources Defense Council On Wednesday, the Senate Environment and Public Works committee takes up the important issue of climate change science and adaptation. Hopefully, it’s a first step toward some real solutions to address record heat, drought, storms and other effects of climate change

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Support clean energy

Take action today by clicking here. All recent surveys of small business owners have shown that they support the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Carbon Pollution Rules for new power plants that will help propel our country into the renewable, clean energy economy. These rules will also reduce carbon pollution which is driving climate change resulting

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Senator Lindsey Graham–taxes and energy

I met with two of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham’s staffers yesterday to talk about taxes and revenue issues.  Some of the conversation was about the Senator’s recent remarks that increased revenue needed to be on the table in negotiations with Senator Democrats regarding the budget and debt.  Senator Graham’s willingness to step outside the

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In DC Today for Sustainability Summit

I’m in DC today for the American Sustainable Business Council Summit for a Sustainable Economy at the White House.  This morning I am moderating a panel on sustainable economic growth.  The panel participants are Gary Guzy, Deputy Chair for the Office on Environmental Quality (the office in the White House that oversees all environmental and

In DC Today for Sustainability Summit Read More »

Action Alert!!

Solar tax credits for commercial buildingsContact Senators before noon Tuesday The Senate Finance Committee will vote on H.3346 this Tuesday afternoon at 3PM.  The bill provides for tax credits for the installation of solar equipment on commercial buildings.  This will make solar energy more affordable for small businesses to address the ever escalating energy costs. 

Action Alert!! Read More »

Gas prices

Driving home yesterday evening I received a pleasant surprise.  In the last several days the gas station that I usually frequent had let its gas price rise by 6 cents a gallon in the last few days.  For several weeks the price had stayed the same—an indication that I hoped meant gas prices had stabilized. 

Gas prices Read More »

Opinion Polling Shows Small Business Owners Support Ending Government Subsidies to Oil and Gas Companies

Small Business Majority releases opinion polling showing small business owners strongly support eliminating subsidies to oil and gas companies, even if it means an increase in gas prices March 29, 2012 Small business owners strongly support ending government subsidies to gas and oil companies, with 73 percent agreeing tax breaks for oil and gas companies

Opinion Polling Shows Small Business Owners Support Ending Government Subsidies to Oil and Gas Companies Read More »

Cracking down on China’s unfair trade

The argument that “free” trade will create more jobs here in the U.S. stands in stark contrast to the facts.  Since the 2001 trade deal with China we’ve lost 6 million manufacturing jobs here at home. The calls for “fair” trade are growing.  Our manufacturers find it almost impossible to compete with foreign manufacturers that

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