Small Business

Looking for capital for your private or non-profit business? Look to

Our announcement last week that is now open for applications from entrepreneurs and businesses looking for capital to start or grow their business received good media coverage.  The portal enables small businesses and non-profits to put their business projects on either a donation crowdfunding or private placement investment platform and seek funding from South […]

Looking for capital for your private or non-profit business? Look to Read More »

New online portal opens for SC small businesses to access capital South Carolina entrepreneurs and small business owners looking for capital to start or grow a business have a new opportunity.  The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce begins taking business applications today for its new donation crowdfunding and private placement investment portal found at “There is a growing demand for small business

New online portal opens for SC small businesses to access capital Read More »

10,000 Small Businesses initiative Expands Nationwide

From the office of U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu Dear Small Business Advocates, This week, Goldman Sachs expanded its “10,000 Small Businesses” initiative, to help entrepreneurs create jobs and economic opportunity by providing them with greater access to education, financial capital and business support services.  The program will now be offered to small businesses nationally, enabling

10,000 Small Businesses initiative Expands Nationwide Read More »

Happy Birthday Small Business Jobs Act

 From the U.S. Senate Office of Mary Landrieu     27   Sep. 13   Small Business Jobs Act Turns Three Dear Small Business Advocate, Three years ago today, the Small Business Jobs Act became law.  As Chair of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, I am proud to have led this bipartisan effort

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Another regulatory victory for the SC Small Business Chamber

The South Carolina Public Service Commission has approved the settlement reached between the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Duke Energy, SC Office of Regulatory Staff and other intervenors in Duke’s recent rate hike request. This is another big victory for the work of the SC Small Business Chamber. Our track record of successfully

Another regulatory victory for the SC Small Business Chamber Read More »

Where do we go from here? Congaree Vista Development Symposium – 2013

Thirty years ago Columbia embarked on its most ambitious re-development effort ever – seeking to renew and rehabilitate a long neglected city warehouse district located near the downtown urban core. These efforts paid off and many small businesses have turned the Vista into a vibrant area of retail shopping, restaurants and entertainment.  The Vista is

Where do we go from here? Congaree Vista Development Symposium – 2013 Read More »

65 Percent Isn’t Enough And Job Creation Is Suffocating

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber is making steady progress on setting up a donation and investment crowdfunding portal to give small businesses and entrepreneurs another means to access capital.  To find out more click here. Below is an excerpt from an opinion editorial in Forbes by Ty Kiisel that addresses the issue of capital

65 Percent Isn’t Enough And Job Creation Is Suffocating Read More »

SC Small Business Chamber of Commerce to Host Congaree Vista Development Symposium 2013

UnConflicted is the small business advocacy blog of Frank Knapp, Jr., President & CEO of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce. Visit our website to join, subscribe to our newsletter, or follow the issues affecting small businesses in SC:

SC Small Business Chamber of Commerce to Host Congaree Vista Development Symposium 2013 Read More »

A misleading ‘Obamacare’ poll, courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce and Harris Interactive

U.S. Chamber and Harris Interactive teamed up to lie to public about Obamacare in a recent survey.  Read the story from The Washington Post below that exposes the fraud. Here are the important points. –The survey was not a traditional random survey of businesses.  Instead it was an opt in of 499 U.S. Chamber members

A misleading ‘Obamacare’ poll, courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce and Harris Interactive Read More »

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